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Establishment and Objectives of Oromia Justice Sector Professionals Training and Legal Research Institute 

OJSPTLRI was established in 2007 by regulation as an autonomous institution financed by Oromia Regional Government. The Institute is accountable to the Oromia Supreme Court. The Institute is established with a view to alleviate the complex problems of the region’s justice system. The Institute also aim at:

  1. Producing sufficient and qualified legal professionals who have a firm stand to defend the constitutional order;
  2. Enabling the justice system of the region to build up itself with legal professionals of high competence and professional ethics and who will win public confidence for their commitment to serve the public;
  3. Bringing about co-ordinated and uniform service in the justice system based on the principles of rule of law, transparency, and accountability;
  4. Bringing about fair, efficient and effective system of justice in the region

Functions of  Oromia Justice Sector Professionals Training and Legal Research Institute 

The major activities of the Institute can be broadly categorized into two core processes: legal training and consultancy services on the one hand and legal research and publication services on the other. The training core process is aims at helping the justice sector professionals adhere to the highest standards of personal and official conduct and acquire the skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform their responsibilities fairly, correctly and efficiently. This process has two forms of training programs: initial /pre-service/ training and in-service training. By the initial training, which presupposes a technical training mainly of practical skills, the Institute trains judges and prosecutors who will be operational on leaving this initial training program. Beyond that, the training program also focuses on the essential ethical and attitudinal underpinnings the judges and prosecutors are to be steeped in to hold the position of judge or prosecutor. On the other hand, the Institute gives in-service trainings. The goals assigned to in-service training include: refreshing or updating knowledge and skills, keeping abreast of changes in legislation and practice, preparing for the performance of new duties, sharing good practices and promoting self development, providing a forum for reflectionon important issues, etc. This training has two forms: short term in-service training which lasts for five days and long-term in-service training which extends up to five months.

The research process, on the other hand, is aimed at conducting researches to achieve and preserve a systematic, uniform and effective justice delivery system in the region. The research process has also begun publishing a yearly Law Journal- entitled Oromia Law Journal.


Nu Qunnamaa

  • Bilbila:- 022-110-0511

  • Faxii-:022-111-0902/022-112-37-44

  • PO Box:1238, Adama



Miidiyaa Hawaasaa


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